Circuit Breaker Testing

How often should you test your circuit breakers? Solar Specialty Group recommends a full inspection every one to three years, with an annual check on each breaker’s operation.

This post expands on the seventh item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: PV Circuit Breaker Operation.

As part of all of our solar inspections we take a look at your PV circuit breakers making sure they’re doing their part to keep things safe and efficient.

Electrical cabinet, open, with electrical circuit breaker.

What is a Circuit Breaker?

If a fuse is the easygoing buddy in electrical circuits, then a circuit breaker, called a “CB” by the pros, is like the superhero version – a real champ! The cool thing about CBs is that they’re resettable. Fuses just blow; circuit breakers have an impressive long life, performing hundreds and thousands of operations. Of course it comes with a bit more cost, but you get what you pay for! Also, circuit breakers are the go-to for handling those higher currents. Super handy, right? 😊

Circuit breaker testing is like giving your electrical system a health check. We evaluate each switching component's performance and the tripping system's overall effectiveness. Basically, we analyze how much current the trip coil consumes while the breaker is doing its thing. This helps us spot any mechanical or electrical issues that could mess with the breaker's function and safety.

Now, let's talk about the fun part – the types of tests we perform:

  1. Connection Tests: We make sure the breaker has a solid electrical connection and isn't overheating.

  2. Overload Tripping Tests: We crank it up to 300% of the breaker rating to see if it opens automatically. Talk about putting it to the test!

  3. Contact Resistance Tests: We measure the resistance across each breaker pole to check for any unusual wear and tear.

  4. Instantaneous Magnetic Tripping Tests: This ensures that the magnetic feature is on point and will trip the breaker when needed.

How often should you test your circuit breakers?
We recommend a full inspection every one to three years, with an annual check on each breaker’s operation. Depending on your system’s age, you might want to test more often to stay on top of things.

And guess what? Solar Specialty Group has got the tools and expertise to make it all happen. We offer dependable circuit breaker testing solutions. We regularly check for overloads and electricity flow, visually inspect for damage, and if you sense heat or smell burning, hit that main power switch pronto.

Trust us for all your testing and solar pv inspection needs! Curious to know more? Reach out to us today — call 808.854.9539 and let’s power up! 😊

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String Inverter Health Check

This post expands on the sixth item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: String Inverter Health Check

We love receiving calls from folks interested in giving their solar power systems a little TLC with our String Inverter Health Check. Picture this: our friendly team will climb up on your roof to personally inspect each panel, check the voltage, assess the cabling and isolators, and make sure your inverter is in top-notch condition.

Now, here's the scoop - with some of the older solar setups, the inverter screen might have taken an early retirement. No worries, though! If you don’t have a handy app on your phone or computer to keep tabs on your system, you might feel a bit in the dark about its performance. Relying solely on electricity bills? Not the most accurate way to gauge your solar power system’s well-being.

Inverters are an essential part of any solar panel system – they convert direct current (DC) electricity produced by your solar panels into usable alternating current (AC) electricity. There are a few different types of inverter technologies to consider. String inverters are a tried-and-true inverter technology and one of the oldest options available in the market today.

String invertors on a rooftop.

What We Look For
First up, let’s talk efficiency. Just like picking the perfect solar panels, string inverters have their own efficiency game. Efficiency measures how much energy gets lost as heat during the conversion from DC to AC electricity. We recommend higher efficiency string inverters, so you'll be rocking a system that not only performs like a champ but also cranks out more solar electricity. Efficiency is the secret sauce!

String invertors on a commercial rooftop.

Now, size matters! When it comes to solar inverters, sizing is a bit like finding the right pair of shoes – it depends on your solar array size, where you live, and other site-specific stuff. Sure, bigger string inverters might have a higher price tag, but trust us, they can be the golden ticket to maxing out your energy production. Think of it as a little investment for a whole lot of sunshine power.

Warranties – they’re like the superhero capes for your inverters. Check if your inverter’s warranty is on the same page as your solar panels’ warrantied life. You want them to be BFFs, covering everything from manufacturer defects to a little environmental wear and tear. Safety first, right?

If you suspect your solar setup might not be giving its best performance, reach out to us! We’ll schedule a time to swing by and give your system the health assessment it deserves. Let’s keep that solar power shining bright! ☀️✨

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No Wire Unchecked

Secure solar connections ensure peak efficiency. Realtors and homeowners trust Solar Specialty Group for a stellar PV inspection – no wire unchecked, no connection loose!

Ensuring Solar Excellence: Our Rigorous Connection Check-Up Sets Us Apart!

In the realm of solar energy, ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your solar panels is crucial. At Solar Specialty Group, we take pride in our comprehensive solar panel inspection services, and today, we’re shining a spotlight on the 5th item of our meticulous check up guidethe Connection Check-Up.

When it comes to your solar investment, loose connections are a potential pitfall that can undermine the performance of your system over time. Fear not! Not on our watch! Thomas Hall is a seasoned professional and he’s dedicated to tightening both DC and AC wires in your string inverter(s), leaving no room for uncertainty. We understand that a secure connection is the backbone of a reliable solar energy system, and we prioritize this aspect to ensure your panels are operating at peak efficiency.

Corroded wiring on pv junction box.

High-end realtors in Hawaii understand the value of a reliable solar panel inspection company, especially when it comes to listing properties equipped with solar energy systems. A clean bill of health for your solar panels can be a significant selling point, assuring potential buyers of the property's commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency.

PV installation wires loose below a solar panel on a roof – a fire hazard.

For homeowners in Hawaii seeking a solar panel inspection, peace of mind is just a call away. Loose connections can lead to power fluctuations and decreased efficiency, affecting your energy output and potentially costing you money in the long run. With Solar Specialty Group, you can trust that every detail is scrutinized, and every loose end is tightened – literally! Your solar investment is in good hands.

A broken connection revealed in a recent solar panel inspection.

At Solar Specialty Group, we not only provide a meticulous Connection Check-Up but also deliver a detailed inspection report that can be a valuable asset in the real estate market. Give us a call 808.854.9539 for a stellar inspection service that leaves no wire unchecked and no connection loose!

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AC Output: A Closer Look

Solar Specialty Group takes the spotlight in Hawaii's solar energy landscape, offering a crucial service for homeowners and realtors navigating the realm of photovoltaic (PV) systems.

This post expands on the fourth item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: AC Power Output Check for Micro Inverter-Based Systems

Ensuring that your solar system is performing optimally is key to maximizing its benefits. This is where Solar Specialty Group steps in, offering comprehensive solar PV inspections. This post is about how we cover micro inverter-based systems.

In the world of solar technology, micro inverters stand out for their efficiency and reliability. These small devices are connected to individual solar panels, converting the DC power they generate into AC power for use in homes or businesses. Micro inverters offer several advantages, including increased energy harvest, better performance in shading conditions, and enhanced system monitoring capabilities.

At Solar Specialty Group, we understand the importance of ensuring that your micro inverter-based system is living up to its full potential. One critical aspect we meticulously examine during our inspections is the AC power output of these micro inverters.

image of a micro inverter

Closeup image of a smart invertor.

Why Does AC Power Output Matter?

The AC power output is the electricity generated by your solar system that is ready for use in your home. It’s the end result of the complex process of converting sunlight into electrical energy. When you invest in a solar PV system, you expect it to deliver on its promised performance, and the AC power output is a key metric that reflects this.

Micro inverters play a crucial role in this process, and our team recognizes the importance of verifying that they are functioning at their best. A friendly pat on the back, as we like to call it, is our way of ensuring that your micro inverters are not only operational but delivering the AC power output as initially designed.

Invertors below panels should be inspected for weathering and corrosion.

Our Comprehensive AC Power Output Check Process:

  1. Visual Inspection: We start by visually inspecting each micro inverter to check for any visible signs of damage, wear, or corrosion. A well-maintained micro inverter is more likely to perform efficiently.

  2. Performance Testing: Using state-of-the-art tools and equipment, we conduct performance tests to measure the AC power output of each micro inverter. This involves comparing the actual output to the expected output, ensuring that your system is operating within the manufacturer's specifications.

  3. Data Analysis: Our experienced technicians analyze the data gathered during the inspection to identify any discrepancies or anomalies. This meticulous process allows us to pinpoint potential issues and address them proactively.

  4. Recommendations: Based on our findings, we provide you with a detailed report that includes recommendations for any necessary maintenance or repairs. Our goal is to empower you with the information needed to keep your solar system in peak condition.

If you’re a homeowner or realtor in Hawaii looking to ensure that a property maximizes its solar investment, contact us today for a comprehensive solar PV inspection. We can be reached at 808.854.9539.

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What’s Your Panel Pulse?

Solar panel inspections are a vitality check for your system. Voltage and current evaluations mimic the rhythmic pulse, ensuring panels dance in harmony with the breeze. Achieving electrical perfection safeguards your energy production, mirroring the reliability of a sunset. Regular inspections act as vigilant guardians, identifying issues before casting shadows on your investment.

This post expands on the third item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: Voltage and Current Checks for Solar Module Strings.

For systems with one or more string inverters, we’ll perform some voltage and current checks to ensure everything’s running like clockwork. When it comes to solar panel inspections in the Aloha State, think of them as a sunny health check for your system.

Voltage and current checks are the equivalent of taking your solar panels’ pulse and ensuring they’re dancing to the rhythm of the Hawaiian breeze.

Ensuring that the electrical parameters are in perfect harmony is key to keeping your energy production as reliable as a Hawaiian sunset. Regular inspections help catch any potential issues before they become bigger problems, giving you peace of mind that your investment is not just soaking up the rays but converting them into savings.

🏡 Whether you’re basking in the sun at home or running a business that’s as vibrant as our tropical landscapes, scheduling a solar panel inspection with Solar Specialty Group (808.854.9539) is a savvy move. It’s a small effort that guarantees your panels are running like clockwork, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of Hawaii’s abundant sunshine.

Let’s keep the aloha spirit alive in your energy production – schedule your inspection today and let your solar panels shine brighter than a rainbow over the Pacific! 🌈✨

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Solar Panel Box Inspections

Ensuring your solar system's peak performance is a must for clean energy enthusiasts. One often underestimated aspect of maintenance is inspecting the Roof Junction Box and Combiner Box.

Are you harnessing the full potential of your solar panels?

This post expands on the second item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: A Peek at Roof Junction and/or Combiner Boxes

If you’re reaping the benefits of clean energy from your solar panels, it’s important to ensure that your system stays in peak condition. One often overlooked aspect of solar maintenance is the inspection of two critical components: the Roof Junction Box and Combiner Box. In this post, we’ll walk you through what we look for during these inspections and share some cost-effective resolutions to keep your solar setup humming along smoothly.

Roof Junction Box Inspection
The Roof Junction Box is a vital part of your solar array that connects individual solar panels to the electrical wiring. During inspections, it’s crucial to check for any signs of wear and tear, water damage, or loose connections. Damaged junction boxes can lead to a loss in energy production and potential safety hazards. If you notice any issues, it’s essential to address them promptly. The most cost-effective resolution for minor issues may involve tightening connections or replacing damaged components. However, in more severe cases, a complete replacement of the junction box might be necessary to ensure your system’s long-term performance and safety. Solar Specialty Group can help!

Combiner Box Inspection
The Combiner Box is like the control center for your solar panels, where multiple strings of panels come together and feed into your inverter. During inspections, we check for any signs of overheating, melting, or corrosion, as these can be indicators of potential problems. To maintain the efficiency of your solar array, the resolution may range from cleaning out debris and tightening connections to replacing damaged components. These proactive measures can help you prevent costly issues down the line and keep your solar system running efficiently.

In conclusion, regular Roof Junction Box and Combiner Box inspections are essential for maximizing the lifespan and efficiency of your solar panels. At Solar Specialty Group, we identify and address issues early on so you can avoid more extensive and expensive problems in the future.

Set aside some time for routine checks and consider it an investment in the longevity of your solar setup. A well-maintained system not only benefits your wallet but also the planet as you continue to harness the power of the sun for years to come! Give us a call: 808.854.9539.

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Shine Bright After Our Inspection

Regular inspections by our expert team can detect and address blemishes, mold, and excessive soiling on your solar panels, ensuring they operate efficiently and save you money on energy bills. Invest in a greener future for Hawaii with Solar Specialty Group today!

Are you harnessing the full potential of your solar panels?

This post expands on the first item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: Inspection of Solar Array for Blemishes, Mold, and Excessive Soiling

Our mission is to ensure that your solar array is working at its best. One key aspect of this is regular inspection for blemishes, mold, and excessive soiling. Let’s explore why this vital maintenance step is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your solar system.

Solar panels are designed to capture sunlight and convert it into clean energy, but over time, various environmental factors can take a toll on their performance. Blemishes, such as scratches or cracks on the surface, can reduce the amount of sunlight your panels can capture. Mold and excessive soiling can cast shadows on your panels, hindering their ability to generate power. Regular inspections by our expert team can detect and address these issues promptly, ensuring your system operates efficiently, and you enjoy maximum savings on your energy bills.

By investing in routine inspections with Thomas at Solar Specialty Group, you not only protect your solar array but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. Let’s work together to make sure your solar panels continue to shine brightly, providing you with clean, renewable energy for years to come.

Contact us today to schedule your solar array inspection 808.854.9539.

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Your Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide

It’s time for your solar panel system check-up, and Oahu-based Solar Specialty Group is here to guide you through it.

Are your solar panels ready to soak up that glorious sunshine and save you some hard-earned cash this season? It’s time for your solar panel system check-up, and we’re here to guide you through it. Think of it as a spa day for your solar setup – refreshing, rejuvenating, and ensuring that it’s in top shape.

  1. Inspection of Solar Array for Blemishes, Mold, and Excessive Soiling - Let’s kick things off by examining the heart of your system – the solar array. We’ll check for any blemishes, mold, or dirt buildup that might be casting a shadow on your efficiency.

  2. A Peek at Roof Junction and/or Combiner Boxes - Next up, we’ll climb up to your roof junction and combiner boxes. We’ll make sure they’re in tip-top shape and ready to keep things flowing smoothly.

  3. Voltage and Current Checks for Solar Module Strings - For systems with one or more string inverters, we’ll perform some voltage and current checks to ensure everything’s running like clockwork.

  4. AC Power Output Check for Micro Inverter-Based Systems - If you have micro inverters, we’ll give them a friendly pat on the back and make sure they’re delivering that AC power output as promised.

  5. Connection Check-Up - Loose connections? Not on our watch! We’ll tighten those DC and AC wires in your string inverter(s) to make sure all is snug and secure.

  6. String Inverter Health Check - Your string inverter(s) will get a thorough once-over, including a look at their display to ensure they’re happy and healthy.

  7. PV Circuit Breaker Operation - We’ll inspect and verify your PV circuit breaker(s) operation, making sure they’re doing their part to keep things safe and efficient.

  8. Corrosion Evaluation - Grounding corrosion? Not on our turf. We’ll make sure everything’s shipshape in the grounding department.

  9. A Visual Survey - We’ll take a look at the quality of your installation that includes: your conduit, roof penetrations, and mounting hardware — to ensure they’re holding up their end of the bargain.

  10. Micro Inverter Systems’ Special Treatment - If you have a micro inverter-based system, we’ll give it an extra dose of attention, verifying its performance.

  11. Room to Grow - Is there room for expansion? We’ll evaluate your available roof space for potential system growth. More solar power? Yes, please!

  12. Unblocking Potential Obstructions - Obstructions, shading concerns, or pesky materials blocking your solar panels’ path? We’ll sweep those obstacles away.

  13. Inspecting Electrical Boxes - We’ll also peek inside those electrical boxes, ensuring there are no critter squatters, water damage, or any other nasty surprises.

Now, doesn’t that sound like a spa day for your solar panel system? With our friendly and inviting solar panel check-up, your solar setup will be ready to shine and save you some money. So sit back, relax, and let the sunshine in!

Give us a call: 808.854.9539

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Inspection Adventures in Hawaii

On a sunny Hawaiian day, Solar Inspector Thomas embarked on a mission to explore the challenges he encounters during inspections. Back in the office, Thomas reflected on island charm and the importance of solar panel care in paradise.

Once upon a sun-soaked day in Hawaii, Thomas, Solar Specialty Group Inspector, donned his safety goggles and embarked on a mission to check some solar panels.

Thomas Hall inspecting rooftop solar panels on Oahu.

His routine inspection quickly became an adventure filled with surprises. At a beachfront property, he encountered his first challenge. Mischievous geckos had taken up residence on the solar panels, casting shadows and leaving behind a mess. He cleared the area.

Visiting a pineapple farm, Thomas was astonished to find panels coated in pineapple juice due to a spill. He gave the panels needed a thorough cleaning.

Inspecting a coffee plantation’s solar panels, Thomas noticed tall coconut palms causing shading issues. The farmer’s recent windfall had led to unintended consequences. Thomas suggested a friendly pruning session.

Lastly, at a hotel on the Big Island, Thomas inspected a solar panel system for hot water. All seemed well until the last panel, where a Hawaiian monk seal had made itself comfortable, causing minor damage.

Geckos, pineapple juice, towering trees, and curious seals add island charm to our solar inspections. Even in paradise-like Hawaii, solar panels required attention and care to harness the sun’s energy effectively.

For your next solar panel inspection, give Thomas a call: 1.808.854.9539.

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The Brightest Solar Solution

Kawika, a savvy commercial building owner, had long relied on his solar panels to trim energy costs and reduce his carbon footprint. But when an unexpected decline in solar output cast a shadow on his paradise, he knew it was time for action.

In his quest for a solution, he turned to Thomas Hall, a renowned solar expert hailing from the Solar Specialty Group. Thomas was not just technically adept but also known for his personalized approach. He embraced Kawika's challenge with unflagging dedication, leaving no stone unturned during the comprehensive inspection.

Here, in the sunny paradise of Oahu, Kawika, a shrewd commercial building owner, enjoyed the benefits of his advanced rooftop solar panel installation, which had long been his ally in lowering energy costs and reducing his carbon footprint. But in June, an unexpected dip in solar output piqued his concern, prompting him to seek a solution that would restore both his financial savings and peace of mind.

Enter Thomas Hall, our Solar Specialty Group expert, known throughout Hawaii for his technical prowess and personalized approach. Kawika entrusted Thomas with a comprehensive inspection of his solar panels, a task Thomas tackled with unwavering dedication and meticulous attention to detail.

Minor wiring issue revealed.

After hours of examination, Thomas uncovered a minor wiring issue that had eluded notice for some time. With a prompt repair, Kawika's solar panels sprung back to life, delivering an immediate boost in energy production and significant savings on his utility bills. This story exemplifies the power of expertise and personal touch in solar panel inspections, reminding us that the right guidance can turn green dreams into a reality in the radiant Hawaiian landscape.

Next time you notice a change in your solar panel output, call Thomas for a consult: 808.854.9539.

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Peak PV Performance

Is your PV system causing headaches with its performance? Look no further! Solar Specialty Group inspections are your solution, designed to simplify your life and ensure your and/or your clients’ satisfaction.

Are you a contractor who’s experiencing issues with your (photovoltaic) PV system’s production or performance? Our solar panel inspections in Hawaii are here to help! We offer a range of services to make your life easier and keep you all happy.

faulty surge protector discovered from solar specialty group inspection

Our inspections provide specific NEC Article numbers for any necessary corrective work, ensuring clarity and saving you from costly re-inspections. Plus, we’ll keep you updated on permit statuses, taking the hassle out of coordination. You can count on Solar Specialty Group for fast and friendly responses to your calls and emails. We offer system design consulting services, training, and more to support your solar PV business. Say goodbye to unexpected delays and hello to peace of mind with our low-cost inspections. Trust us to keep your PV systems running smoothly.

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Inspection Success in Sunny Honolulu

Uncover your journey toward optimizing solar panels with Thomas Hall of Solar Specialty Group in sunny Honolulu. Maximize your energy efficiency today!

As a proud homeowner in sunny Honolulu, you see rising utility costs. As a result, you’ll recognize the importance of optimizing the performance of your solar panels.

Make sure your solar setup is operating at peak efficiency — schedule a comprehensive solar panel inspection. Thomas Hall is the expert from Solar Specialty Group, a renowned local company specializing in top-tier solar panel maintenance services here in Hawaii.

Thomas inspecting solar panels up close.

When Thomas arrives at your doorstep, he brings not only a friendly smile but also a well-equipped toolkit, ready to initiate the inspection process.

Your solar panel inspection journey begins with a meticulous visual examination of each panel’s surface. Thomas carefully scrutinizes every inch for signs of dirt, debris, or damage that could hamper their efficiency.

From there, he proceeds to assess the connections and wiring to guarantee their security. Utilizing specialized meters, Thomas then meticulously measures the output of each panel, ensuring they’re generating the expected amount of electricity.

Thomas Hall of Solar Specialty Group inspecting a junction box of a residential solar installation on Oahu.

Solar Specialty Group’s Thomas inspecting a residential solar panel junction box.

Following this thorough evaluation, Thomas delivers a comprehensive report detailing his findings and offers valuable maintenance recommendations.

With his exceptional expertise and professional approach, you’ll gain confidence that your solar panels are in capable hands, allowing you to harness the full potential of Hawaii's abundant solar energy for years to come.

Trust Solar Specialty Group for your solar panel needs and maximize your energy efficiency in the Aloha State. Give us a call: 808.854.9539.

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For The Savvy Solar Enthusiasts! 🌞

Learn about hurricane readiness, fire safety, and more factors to consider when going solar in the Aloha State. Schedule your top-notch solar panel inspection today by calling 808.466.1925.

Welcome to the sunny world of solar panels in beautiful Hawaii! 🌴 If you’re considering going solar, you’re in for a treat. Efficiency, cost, and power output are just the beginning of your solar journey. Let’s explore the ins and outs while shining a spotlight on Solar Specialty Group, your go-to for solar panel inspections in Hawaii.

Now, Hawaii is a paradise, but it’s no stranger to hurricanes. Your solar panels need to be hurricane-ready. While there’s no official hurricane rating for solar panels, most can handle winds of up to a whopping 140 mph. They’re secured with fasteners, through-bolting modules, or a sturdy three-frame rail system to withstand even the fiercest tropical storms.

Worried about your panel’s security? Inspections by Solar Specialty Group can spot any weaknesses and put your mind at ease.

Safety is paramount, and that includes fire safety. In case of a fire, your solar panels must match the fire rating of your roof. Solar panels now come with fire classifications like roofs do, such as Class A (for severe fire test exposure), Class B (for moderate fire test exposure), and Class C (for light fire test exposure).

Hawaii’s mild climate is perfect for solar panels, which perform best at around 77°-88°F. However, if temperatures soar above 149°F, efficiency can take a hit. Thankfully, this isn’t a major concern in our lovely state.

Now, let’s talk about the rare occurrence of hail. Those icy balls from the sky can be a challenge. But fear not! Solar panels are like superheroes for your roof, sporting a sturdy layer of tempered glass. They’re certified to withstand hail up to 1 inch in diameter at roughly 50 mph. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels are your best bet in hail-prone areas, while thin-film panels, with their sleek design, may not be ideal for such spots.

For top-notch solar panel inspections in Hawaii, turn to the experts at Solar Specialty Group. They’ve got your back when it comes to ensuring your solar setup is safe and sound. 🌟

So, as you embark on your solar panel journey, remember these factors. And always keep in mind, the sun is your friend! ☀️ Ready to schedule your inspection? Call Solar Specialty Group at 808.854.9539. Happy solar-panel hunting in the Aloha State!

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Solar Solutions to Rising Power Prices

Slash Energy Bills with Photovoltaic Systems! Say goodbye to high costs – harness free solar energy and cut electricity bills up to 50%!

Did you know that most of Hawaii’s energy used to come from burning fossil fuels, and those costs kept climbing? Photovoltaic systems and solar panels are like two peas in a pod, working together to turn sunlight into clean, green energy for your home.

Luckily, Photovoltaic (PV) Systems don’t rely on pricey fuels – they soak up the sun’s natural light, which is totally free and endless. This means you can cut down on your energy expenses and watch your electricity bill shrink. Research shows that your typical residential PV System can trim energy costs by around 50%.

The experts ad Solar Specialty Group are on hand to help you maximize your savings. Many of our friends and clients have even waved goodbye to energy bills altogether, thanks to their PV Systems. It all starts with a solar panel inspection! Give us a call: 1.808.854.9539.

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Panel Care Can Be Like Clockwork

Regular solar panel inspections not only boost efficiency but also extend the lifespan of your solar investment. Contact us for top-notch solar panel inspection services in Hawaii today!

We get it. Solar panel cleaning can often feel like a hassle.

Here in Hawaii, solar panel inspection is essential for ensuring optimal energy production and long-term savings. Our expert inspectors uncover various issues such as dust and dirt accumulation (see image above), bird droppings, shading from nearby trees or structures, and potential microcracks in the panels.

Regular inspections not only boost efficiency but also extend the lifespan of your solar investment, helping you harness the abundant Hawaiian sunshine to its full potential. Contact us for top-notch solar panel inspection services in Hawaii today!

Since we don’t have to change our clocks because there’s Daylight Savings Time in Hawaii, think about having your panels cleaned every time you hear that the mainlanders have to “Spring Forward” or “Fall Back”.

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How Many Panels?

Just how many solar panels would power the entire United States of America? 7.85 billion! That would be quite a chore to inspect them all. Lucky we live in Hawaii where that number is quickly approaching 100,000.

How many solar panels to power the United States? It's a question that might leave you pondering the vastness of our energy needs.

To sustain the entire country, we'd require around 7.85 billion solar panels, each emitting approximately 350W per hour, and with at least four hours of sunlight daily. While this staggering number underscores the potential of solar energy, it also highlights the importance of ensuring that the solar panels we already have are functioning optimally.

Regular solar panel inspections play a crucial role in maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of these panels. By identifying and addressing issues like dirt buildup, shading, or any potential damage, inspections help ensure that each panel is performing at its best. Plus, well-maintained solar panels not only contribute to a greener future but also save homeowners money on energy bills. So, whether you have a small residential solar setup or are part of a larger-scale solar project, don't underestimate the power of a thorough solar panel inspection!

For your next inspection, give Thomas at Solar Specialty Group a call: 808.854.9539.

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Oahu’s Radiant Glow

With approximately 271 days of sunshine per year, Oahu offers a consistently pleasant climate that makes it an ideal location for solar energy production. Even during the wetter winter months, the island receives a substantial amount of sunlight making it a prime location for harnessing solar energy through solar panels.

Some facts about the annual days of sunshine on Oahu

  1. Oahu, Hawaii, enjoys approximately 271 days of sunshine per year.

  2. The island typically experiences consistent and pleasant weather with plenty of sunny days.

  3. Even during the wetter winter months, Oahu still receives a significant amount of sunshine.

  4. The island’s diverse microclimates can result in varying levels of sunshine in different regions.

  5. On average, Oahu receives about 2,850 hours of sunshine annually.

Take advantage of the Hawaiian sun and make sure your solar panels are performing to their maximum capabilities. Have your panels inspected by Thomas at Solar Specialty Group. Call 808.854.9539.

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Sun-Kissed Resilience

After a powerful windstorm, Oahu homeowner Kiko recalled Solar Specialty Group’s advice to get an inspection. Yearly check-ups fortify his commitment to sustainability, illuminating a greener path in the sun-drenched beauty of Oahu.

Kiko, a homeowner on Oahu, embraces sustainable living; about 5 years ago he decided to harness solar power. He contacted Thomas from Solar Specialty Group to conduct thorough pre-installation and post-installation inspections, ensuring optimal panel placement and functionality.

Last year, a strong windstorm swept through Oahu. Remembering Thomas's advice, Kiko called for an inspection. Thomas arrived, examined the panels, and emphasized annual inspections for peak efficiency and safety, suggesting combining them with cleanings.

Oahu homeowner Kiko has installation annually inspected by Solar Specialty Group

Thomas highlighted the importance of post-storm inspections due to potential damage from inclement weather, particularly high winds and tree debris.

Update: Kiko’s 2023 inspection, bolstered by his friendly rapport with Thomas, made the inspection hassle-free.

Kiko appreciated both his solar panels and Thomas’s insights. He knows that regular checks sustained system longevity. With gratitude, Kiko enjoys the Oahu sun, knowing his eco-friendly choices illuminated a greener path forward.

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Solar Revival

Amid Kauai's beauty, Mark faced a solar challenge. His arrays, once strong, faltered. Seeking answers, he chose Thomas from Solar Specialty Group. With sustainability in mind, Thomas restored the arrays, boosting Mark's belief in solar power and a greener future.

In the lush landscapes of Kauai, Mark, a commercial property owner, found himself facing a unique challenge. His solar panel arrays, which had been faithfully generating clean energy for years, started showing signs of wear and reduced efficiency. Concerned about the potential impact on his business and the environment, Mark knew he needed a reliable solution. Enter Thomas from Solar Specialty Group, a seasoned expert in solar panel assessments and solutions.

Solar Specialty Group offers commercial installation inspections. Call 808.466.1925 to speak to Thomas.

Mark reached out to Thomas, hoping to find a way to rejuvenate his solar panel arrays without breaking the bank. Understanding the importance of a budget-conscious approach, Thomas carefully examined the arrays, taking note of their condition and performance. With his extensive knowledge, he identified specific issues affecting their efficiency and presented a tailored plan that aligned with Mark’s financial goals.

Impressed by Thomas’s expertise and commitment, Mark gave the green light to proceed. With meticulous attention to detail, Thomas and his team meticulously revamped the arrays, addressing the issues that had been plaguing them. Through strategic repairs and optimizations, the arrays began to shine once again, generating energy at an optimal level. Mark was not only relieved but also grateful for Thomas’s ability to meet his needs while keeping costs in check.

With the help of Thomas and Solar Specialty Group, Mark’s commercial property was back on track, harnessing the power of the sun to fuel both his business and his passion for environmental conservation.

In the end, it wasn’t just about fixing solar panels for Mark; it was about rejuvenating his commitment to sustainable energy.

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Rays of Reassurance

Prospective new home buyer Emily was looking for information and an an inspection of the solar panels on the house she was aiming to purchase. Thomas Hall of Solar Specialty Group was there to help.

“Hi Thomas, I’m Emily and I’m actually quite interested in a house, but I’m a bit worried about the solar panels. I’ve heard stories about them being difficult to maintain and costly to fix.”

Hawaii-based Solar Specialty Group will inspect your solar panels before you buy a new home.

Our expert team is dedicated to providing top-notch Solar PV System Inspections and consulting services. Whether you’re a contractor, a homeowner, or an individual looking to buy or sell a home equipped with a PV System Installation, rest assured, we have all your needs met. Let’s connect to ensure your solar journey is seamless and stress-free.

Solar panels can be a bit intimidating if you’re not familiar with them. But let us assure you, it’s all about proper maintenance and understanding the system. Solar Specialty Group is happy to give you an honest and detailed account of the condition of the panels on a prospective home and what improvements might be necessary.

We can explain the system’s components, how they work, and the routine maintenance required. We can point out areas where panels are functioning optimally and areas that needed attention.

We know you have concerns and we will genuine help you understand what you might be getting into. We will explain the benefits of having solar panels, both for the environment and your wallet. Solar Specialty Group can also provide regular maintenance and any necessary repairs at a reasonable cost.

With Thomas's expertise and the assurance of a reliable partner like Solar Specialty Group, you can look forward to a future of harnessing the sun's energy, enjoying sustainable living, and embracing the spirit of aloha in your new home.

Give us a call for a consultation: 808.466.1925.

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